History Thru The Lens

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pope John Paul I

Albino Luciani was elected Pope of the Roman Catholic Church on August 26, 1978, and took the name John Paul I. He brought simplicity to the Papacy from day 1 when he refused the customary Papal Coronation ceremony to begin his reign. That reign only lasted 33 days, as he was found dead in his residence on September 28, 1978.

Much controversy has surrounded his death over the years, resulting in some conspiracy theories that exist to this day. The Vatican was not completely forthcoming on much of the information released on his death. For example, it was reported that his secretary found the body, when in fact, a nun did while bringing him his morning coffee. The Vatican also reported he had health problems due to heavy smoking, when in fact it was learned that John Paul had never smoked.

His body was embalmed within one day of his death, setting off suspicions of it being done to avoid an autopsy, raising the possibility to some that he may have met with foul play. An official death certificate on his death has never been found.

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